Sunday, June 22, 2008

STILL waiting for baby Charley/ie!!!

Well, tomorrow is the 23rd, so maybe it is meant to be for all of Grammie T's grandkids to share the same birthdate. Crystal has a dr appt tomorrow morning, so we'll see what they say (I'm secretly...ok, not so secretly, wishing that the dr will tell her she should head to the hospital!!). We spent the weekend in Atlanta with Crystal, Kelly & Grammie T...Kalee is still there keeping an eye on Aunt Crystal! There is a restaurant (Scalinis) that is known for helping women go into labor within 48 hrs, IF they eat the Eggplant parmesan, so of course, we went there for dinner last night. No luck, yet, but Crystal still has 24 hrs left! The picture below is of our lunch at IHOP...we tried to go to Scalini's for lunch, but they are only open for dinner, so we had to get a snack to hold us over!


The Aces said...

YEP, she's got the poofy I'm ready to have this baby look!! Hoping for tomorrow!!! Maybe not till the 26th. Grammie T & cousin Billy's birthday.:)XO Bec

Arlene Price said...

Hum, now, all three have the look of hot , tired and anxious :) Praying the wait will end soon and the next pictures will be of delight and relief! Remember God sends his blessings in his time , not ours .Haha,easy for me to say .Lol, God Bless ya all real soon ! xoxo Arlene