Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Please PRAY for our family today...

It looks like today will be the day for Crystal. She started having sporadic contractions around 3 am this morning, so we will see! We are praying for a quick and easy (relatively speaking) delivery.

Also, my nephew Andrew is on his way to the hospital as I type this. His G Tube (feeding tube that runs through his abdominal wall to his intestines) has come loose/out. Steve & Betsy have asked for prayer for their sweet boy. I don't have any detail, so not sure exactly what will have to be done.

What a rush of emotions...great joy for Crystal to immense concern for Steve, Betsy and Andrew. One thing I know, though, God's got all of them in his arms! Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

The Aces said...

Praying everyone will be ok!! Keep us posted as you can XO Bec