Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh, how our garden grows!

This is the first bloom on my tallest sunflower - can't wait until it blooms!
The tomato plants are growing like crazy...they have already picked a few.

This picture is of the 4 watermelon plants. We have 2 more, but we planted them a few weeks after these, in a different area.

Our first Watermelon! There are 5 or 6 growing, so far. We should have a total of 15 to 18 - yum, yum!


Luv-Ann and Donnie said...

The garden looks great. I can't believe how quickly things are growing. Once the sunflowers bloom I would love a picture of one.

The Aces said...

You've got a great green thumb! Looks beautiful. Can't wait to have the space to have a garden of our own! XO Bec

Anonymous said...

That's one beeeautiful plant you got there.

Arlene Price said...

My sunflowers are only up to my knees right now but last year some got over 7 ft. tall. We have a very small garden just tomatoes and raspberries . I am the only one in this house that eats her veggies every day . Lots of flower s though , Wish you guys could come up and see our yard , we are out there working most of our free weekends. The doors are always open to family and friends !