Friday, June 27, 2008


The Hanley's are up here on vacation and we all went kayaking on the Broad River...we had a lot of fun, but us girls definitely decided that 5 miles is just a little too long of a trip! The water level is low, so we all spent a good amount of time "stuck" in the river bed or on rocks. There were a few small rapids, which were fun...Kalee would throw her hands in the air. Memories...

When we first got in the water Cierra told us to make sure we didn't leave her behind...ya, right - she led the way all day long!

Kalee and Rachie found small little clams - she has one in her hand!

There were some beautiful views!


Mimi and Poppy said...

It looks like you all had alot of fun. You need our rain up there!

Arlene Price said...

O' what fun! We go canoeing often but I am asking santa for a Kayak next Christmas :)

Stacey said...

You guys are so adventurous - you always look like you are doing something fun!