Monday, March 23, 2009

Painting, Painting and a little bit of slate!

SOOOOOOOO OVER PAINTING!!!!!! We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, though - thank goodness! I was super excited to come home today to see that my parents had spent the day painting the last of the walls. All that is left is the cutting in - oh, and the stairwell. Rich has spent the last 2 days working on the floor in our bathroom. It is looking great!
We really like the paint color. It is a little darker than I expected - not that I mind - I just wasn't sure Rich would like it. But, he does, so all is well!!! :)I told Kalee to strike a pose for her Grammie's what she came up with!Midnight is definitely Rich's dog! She thinks he is just the best thing. And, as you can see, he spoils her just a little.


Grammie T said...

Hey Kalee, I love the pose!!! Everything in the house looks so good! Rich, you did a fine job on the bathroom floor...I love it!
can't wait to see it in person, Love Mom

Luv-Ann and Donnie said...

I love the last picture of the dog! Did you notice the grin? Oh, and the house looks good too.

The Aces said...

My Goodness! Your new place is absolutely Gorgeous!!!!!!!

Mimi and Poppy said...

The bathroom is looking great. Good going, Rich! Teresa,I feel your pain concerning the painting but it's almost done. Yipee! Strike a pose, Kalee. And it looks like the dog struck a pose, too. Can't wait to see it all finished.