Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A visit from Crystal & Charley

Crystal and Charley came over to check out the progress on the house...lucky us! Crystal took Kalee out shopping for her birthday, so Rich and I got to babysit Charley for a little bit. The video's are of Charley laughing at my parents...the quality isn't the best, but you'll get the general idea of how cute this baby girl is!!!

Kalee picked out a mask for one of her presents...Aunt Crystal also got her a super cool gemstone rock thingy and a cool key chain...she was in heaven!!!

1 comment:

Arlene Price said...

Cool Mask , is she planning a trip to New Orleans? Charley is adorable ! Did she have some sort of tounge thing going on there ?
I can't believe how quickly the house is coming together , I am really sooooo happy for you guys !