Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A couple videos from our FL vacation!

Kalee is just too funny sometimes! I love these videos...such a cute kid!


The Aces said...

Hammin' it up in the pool just like her daddy used to do at our house. She'll be doing back flips off the diving board in no time. XO :)

The Aces said...


Anonymous said...

Kalee, I just watched your diving videos....I give you a score of "10"!!! Hope you had a great time staying over at uncle Kellys and Aunt Crystals....and holding your new baby girl cousin, Charley!I think you must have eaten a BA-ZILLION ice pops. I sure enjoyed your dancing around the house! You are getting to be really good at Bop-it! Pretty soon you'll beat Daddys score!!!!love you, Grammie T