Monday, August 10, 2009

West Virginia Weekend!

We went to West Virginia last weekend for my cousin Jeremy's wedding. We had a great time! I really enjoyed spending a little time with my cousins and their families!

On the way up we stopped at the New River Gorge State Park. When I was a kid we made a lot of trips to WV to see family - the gorge was one of my favorite parts of the ride, so it was neat to share that with Rich and Kalee. Besides the views of the mountains, my other favorite part was the tunnels - taking us through a mountain. Kalee was equally impressed, I think! It was a fun trip!
The view while we were driving over the bridge...
Halfway down to the bridge overlook...
At the overlook. It was so pretty...and I was a little relieved that there were only 166 steps! Sure seemed like a LOT more when I was a kid!
Grammie T came over from Maryland, on her way (or out of her way) to PA. She brought Kalee a wrought iron mannequin that she found for her. Kalee was thrilled and surprised to see Grammie T!
My cousin's wife, Lauren and their smiley baby Madison! Madison is such a cute baby...and got her ears pierced while in WV. Way to go, Lauren!
My cousin Matt & his wife Meg
I'm holding my cousin Stacey's baby, Charlotte...precious baby!
Stacey and Andy
We played Joker every spare minute we had, at the hotel. Kalee swam in the pool - everyone was happy!My beautiful girl! Kalee took a picture of momma and daddy!
The bride and groom...Jeremy and Brianna
Kalee danced the night away with Drea...enjoy the video below! :)

Kalee with Jeremy...
Dancin' with Daddy
Getting a little Madison time!
We kept putting off leaving on Sunday - we were just having such a good time! We stayed just long enough to give Kalee a little time to swim with Drea.
Meg brought her little puppy, Mia. Kalee loved her and is ready to trade Midnight in! (not really, but she still thinks Meg is going to ship Mia to her for a week!)
The boys played horseshoe's

Finally...on the road to home! Kalee fell asleep within the first hour. We were all tired! We got back at midnight. Sure made getting up at the crack of dawn the next day a little hard (and really fun, since neither Kalee or I are morning people!)

1 comment:

Grammie T said...

Wow! Those are great pictures! Cute babies! That gorge looks breathtaking! All of you look so nice dressed up at the wedding. Love Kalee's dance moves! Kisses, Hugs and prayers from Grammie T