Monday, September 29, 2008

Kalee, Kalee, Kalee...

Kalee lost her 3rd tooth this weekend...unexpectedly! She was in her room and was supposed to be getting ready for bed - only she got distracted with practicing her high kicks (who wouldn't?)!!! Anyway, out she comes, hysterical, and tells us that she accidently knocked her tooth, we ask...and then comes the high kick explanation. She goes to the bathroom to wash her mouth out, and is still hysterical...she doesn't know where the tooth is...owwwww, it hurts...and worst of all...I LOOK WEIRD!!! She went on and on for about 15 minutes, with the deep gulps of air type of crying. Finally, she admits that it doesn't really hurt anymore, but the problem is that she looks weird - in her words, she has an L shape in her mouth - oh no!!! But, daddy to the rescue. After trying to convince her that everyone loses teeth and she doesn't look weird (which does NOT work!) Rich told her about her beloved Uncle Stevie and how he didn't have any of his front teeth for a while - and then all was better with the world!

Kalee has also mastered (well, almost) the headstand this weekend. Actually, I guess mastered might not be quite the right word...she gets it right about 1 out of 5 times, but she sure is a riot to watch!


Mimi and Poppy said...

She's a trip. Isn't parenting fun?!! Can't wait to see you guys next week.

Arlene Price said...

Kalee , you are still adorable , teeth or no teeth :)
Love the head stand , I could never do that , maybe my head wasn't flat enough ? Keep practicing , you almost got it ! Love ya , XO

The Millers said...

Hey Kalee, you can put a straw in your tooth hole when you have a drink .. so if anyone says you look weird you can bust out a pretty neat trick!!
(ok, its kind of a lame trick)