Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Kalee's Christmas

We had a very nice Christmas Day. Kalee was so shocked when she realized that she had gotten an American Girl doll - it was definitely the hit of the day. She wasn't sure what was in this box...
Still not sure, but she read the name, so she was hoping...Her first glimpse of the doll (a book had been covering her face)She's in shock...can't believe it's really the doll she wanted!!!Her second favorite gift was from Grammie T, who sewed matching nightgowns for Kalee and 'Rosalina'.Her third favorite gift was from Aunt Rebecca and Uncle Anthony. She has wanted to grow these "beautiful" gems for some time...and stares at the box every time we go to the craft store!Rich and his "of course I'll wear it" look! Kalee picked this "super cool" shirt out for her daddy.My look is saying "Really??? You bought me a medium???!" Oh well... :)Our favorite present was from my Grammie...our very own Joker board. We were super excited!Kalee's 4th favorite present, from Nana and Papa. Everyone (except for Grammie) took a turn riding this thing...very fun!I only caught Papa on camera, though...And here's a pic of my cute, feisty grammie, with her new bird feeder that we gave her.
We had a great day and also had a lot of fun over New Year's when Donnie & Luv-Ann came to visit. Somehow I managed not to snap a single picture of the visit...not sure how that happened!


Grammie T said...

I love that girls' expressions!! She's one of a kind!! Great pictures, Teresa! Please pass on to your gram what a big hit her meatballs are with the family here in Clarksville, MD! I make them at least once a month. They rave over them every time! Love you all! Grammie T

Stacey said...

Sorry I haven't had a minute to catch up on your blog til now! Looks like you all had a great Christmas. I can't believe Kalee is 8! Where does the time go?