Thursday, November 6, 2008

We miss Hunter!

Rich's Aunt Kyle (and family) has had Hunter the last few weeks to see if she can work with him on his people hating issues! He is just the sweetest little puppy, but he is absolutely scared of people. He responds well to me, accepts Kalee and puts up with Rich, but other than that don't even think about coming near him! We went to FL a few weeks ago and Hunter stayed outside (in GA) the entire time we were gone because he refused to come through the door for my mom...and she couldn't get close enough to him to pick him up! She finally put his crate & bed outside, so that he could at least sleep in it. Anyway, Aunt Kyle met him and wanted to try to work her "Dog Whisperer" skills out on him! We can't wait to go pick him up next weekend! Poor Jade, she was just getting used to him, and is just getting used to him being gone...won't she be surprised when he comes home!!!

Arlene - Teresa is in Zambia for a missions trip. I don't remember the exact length of her trip, but she left last Sunday and will be gone for at least another week, I believe!


Arlene Price said...

Hey guys , Thanks for the update on Teresa , Wow ,if she was catholic she would be on her way to sainthood for sure , God Bless her !!!
I never met anyone else with the calling such as hers.
Best of luck with the puppy issues, That's gotta be a tough one , they do become just like little babies, needing and deserving so much time, loving and attention. That's why I only have a cat now , she is very independant .When we go away she could care less, just so long as she is fed.Of course when I am home I can't even close the bedroom door with out her whining in the hall . Shes under my feet constantly.Well, good luck with Hunter , hope your aunt can help:)

The Millers said...

yeah she'll be coming home the night of the 18th! glad to hear she is doing well!

Stacey said...

How did Hunter do?