Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween fun!

The last few years Kalee has wanted to be a Genie for Halloween. But, being the stellar mom that I am, I always put off shopping for a costume until the week of halloween! This year I was WAY ahead of the game...I think we bought her costume as soon as walmart put it on the shelf! She loved it and looked super cute - as usual!
Kalee's school fall festival was a couple weeks ago - the weather was beautiful and she had a blast with the activities. Best of all, for me, the Hanley's were in town, so Shellie, Cierra and Rachel got to go with us!

Rachel even got in on some of the fun!
I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving! This year has flown by so fast. We are going to PA for Christmas and I am counting down the days...We are going to have a new nephew by the time we get there, and I am looking forward to snuggling a newborn!

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