Sunday, August 1, 2010

Goodbye to my Sweet Jade...

My sweet Jade, as a puppy... One of my favorite pics...Jade loved to climb up into Kalee's chair and sun herself during the cold winter months!
All 3 of our dogs...Jade approved of the new puppy and got a kick out of barking at him and Midnight as they tousled.
I spent my evenings this week giving Jade extra love...don't know if it made her feel any better, but it helped me :)
I don't know how I talked Rich into it (actually, I didn't...I just e-mailed him a pic of the dog and asked if I could have him!), but we decided to get a puppy.
We rescued this boy from Animal Control. We found him right on time, as he had already been there longer than they usually allow. Kalee named him Jasper - we wanted to pick a 'J' name, for Jade, and Kalee came up with it all by herself! He is the perfect crying at night, no accidents in the crate (or the house, for that matter), sits on command (most of the time) and is just downright lovable. Midnight is having fun playing with him...I think she would have been really lonely without Jade.
I am so going to miss my Jade...miss her greeting me at the door EVERY time I walked through it...miss her following me EVERYwhere I went...miss hearing her settling into her bed at night. She was such a sweet dog.


Uncle Joe said...

Sorry to hear about Jade. Can't remember her not being around. We're emailing you all a big hug, hope it helps.
Uncle Joe and Aunt Cindy.

Stacey said...

I'm so sorry - I didn't realize something happened to Jade. I know you loved her a lot. Our thoughts are with you.