Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Fun!

We went to Atlanta on Friday/Saturday of Labor Day Weekend to visit with Crystal, Kelly & Charley. Kelly had to work on Saturday (sorry Kelly!), but the rest of us went to White Water --- a water park. It was supposed to be a hot (90 degrees) and sunny day, but that didn't happen! I think the sun came out around 5pm - a little too late! Kalee and I braved the water for most of the day, Rich (who HATES cold water) decided to give it a try, but could only handle 1 ride with Kalee, and then Aunt Crystal and Charley joined in on the fun, too! We had a lot of fun and Kalee had a blast!
Poor Rich...I think he picked the ride with the coldest water, too! It was a bit frigid!Playing at home. Kalee had a fun time entertaining Charley!
Charley zonked out, in the middle of the water park!

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