Sunday, December 28, 2008

Poker night!

We were able to squeeze in a few nights visiting with friends while we were in FL. We had breakfast with Alison & her family, played "bones" (domino's) with the Hanley's and had poker night with Donnie, Luv, Troy & Todd. It's so nice to be around your friends!!! Poker night was a ton of fun...mix that with Reid Harted's (our own special concoction of gin, sweet & sour and cheery 7 up) and it becomes a little bit more entertaining!!!I was the big winner, until the last hand, which is when everyone goes all in with what they have left. Then I lost to Donnie...whatever! It really was a funny joke!! Luv was using my line "it's night-night" by the end of the evening...ahhhh...memories!


Luv-Ann and Donnie said...

What a great night! Thanks for keeping my glass full all night long Rich!!!!

Arlene Price said...

Looks like poker night at our house too , Great fun even though I lose most of the time . Anyone up for some "Hold em" ?