Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Game Ball

Each week the coach gives out a game ball...this is great if you get the game ball, but not so much if you don't get it! You should see the girls put on the charm for their coach when it is game ball time. Kalee got the game ball last week...whew...now we can move on!!!


steve, bess, etc said...

It's about flippin time! So glad to see the blog up and running, good to see the videos of Kalee too. Will be checking often...

Anonymous said...

DITTO to Steve and Betsy's comment. Kalee, you are such a joy to watch! I miss you and love you. See you this summer. Oh...and keep those frogs in their place!!You're bigger than they are! Love, Grammie T

The Millers said...

WELL GEEZ! it took ya long enough to make one of these!!!
I need to keep tabs on my niece you know!
I miss you all !!!
Love Liisa

Anonymous said...

Charm is Kalee's middle name, isn't it? Great job getting the honored "game ball"!
You've been doing a great job praying for cousin Andrew!
Love Grandpa Richard and Grandma Dawn

Arlene Price said...

This is so great , you guys have to get jess into this blogging too! I love reading these so much more than e-mails and the pictures of all these beautiful babies just melt my heart !
Love you all and miss ya tons ! xoxoxo